"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney
Friday, January 11, 2013
5th Grade THINK Class
The 5th grade students have begun their 5 week THINK program with Officer Nelson from the West Allis Police Department.
The THINK program is a character-building program about understanding yourself, and THINK ing about how your choices affect you, your family, and your friends, and how you want to live you life.
The program consists of five lessons, taught to 5th graders, by Officers of the West Allis Police Department. Lessons focus on alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and the importance of good friendships. Students are provided with a THINK workbook that mirrors the program as well as identifying common violations of the law with associating fines—again highlighting consequences. THINK before making choices is the theme throughout the entire program.
T - Take a look at your choices
H - How will this affect you, your family, or your friends
I - Intelligence (Use your head)
N - Never be afraid to be different or to say "No"
K- Keep on learning from your choices - good or bad