Inquiry fair
Hello my name is Miles. This article is going to be about the Inquiry Fair. You might want to know what I did. I did the causes of the Civil War. It was hosted by Mitchell, yeah Mitchell. It was in Ms. Dierbeck’s room
Who was involved?
You might be wondering who was involved my group. It was Ethan K., Rachel, Jamie, and me. We all made an iMovie. We did it on Ethan's iPad. Mr. Krupar my teacher was saying that the iPads were turning off. So we had to set it for 5 mins, that was the easy part. The hard part was finding the research, everything else was easy like finding your group.
What was it?
This is the obvious way of saying it - it was the Inquiry Fair. This is the detailed way. It was a fair that Mitchell School wanted to show West Allis what we learned. The topics were about Magnets, North and South Region, Solar System, and Electricity.
Why we did it.
The whole school wanted to show the community about forces, magnets, solar system, NE and SE reigns and Animals. So the school wanted to show the community that we got a lot of info.
When was it?
To be exact Thursday April 18 2013 it started at 8:45.
Where was it ?
It was at Mitchell, in Ms. Dierbeck’s room was the Civil War. The American Revolution, Slavery, and Colonization were in Mr. Krupar’s room. The rooms were full with posters, iPads, and projects. It was pretty easy with all the time and space that was in the multipurpose room (that's the lunch room).
How it happen ?
This is how it happened. Mr. Hill wanted all the teachers to get there rooms all sorted out to be ready for the Inquiry Fair. It was both easy and hard but we got through and it was pretty fun.