In Mr. Krupar’s class we have reading groups in daily five. When Mr. Kallie calls the group, we bring our book and a piece of paper to the table and the rest of the group would do their daily five. We are working on unknown words and understanding what they mean. We are getting better each time. In most of the chapters, they have a lot of words that you don't know and some have two out of five words that we don't know. If the person that put down the word didn't know the meaning, their friends from the group can help you understand what the word means.
I asked some students about reading group.
Alison said, “That we can learn things.”
Mykayla said, “You practice your reading strategies.”
Dena said, “I have fun!”
Miguel said, “It gets you ready for maps testing.”
Abby L. said, “You practice your reading skills and working with the group is fun!”
Grace said, “That it tells us where our reading level is.”
Brady said, “You learn and work on your strategies.”
Ja'moze said, “It helps you with your maps testing, and that's why Reading Group is good for you."