"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney

Friday, April 26, 2013

MAPS Testing Update

MAPS testing begins on Monday. Here is an updated schedule for our testing. Notice that we have shorter testing periods each day. This spring we are asking students to only complete half of the test in one sitting. The goal is to get the most accurate score possible. In talking with students, they have made it clear that the tests can be long. By splitting the test, students will be able to give their best effort and stop before they are "out of gas". This was tried with some students in the winter. It was a success! Student attitudes and confidence toward testing were remarkably higher.

Over the weekend, discuss the importance of these tests with your child. Reinforce the fact that they have learned so much this year. They need to use their strategies, focus, and keep a positive frame of mind. An early bedtime Sunday night and nutritious breakfast Monday morning would also help students come Monday morning prepared for class. Thanks again for your support!

MAPS Schedule

Monday, April 29th
Math Test
8:45-9:15 & 1:35 - 2:20

Monday, May 6th
Reading Test
10:05 - 10:40

Tuesday, May 7th
Reading Test continued
8:45 - 9:15

Wednesday, May 15th
Language Arts Test
8:45-9:15 & 1:35 - 2:20

New Inquiry Unit

This week we began a new inquiry unit. This unit will have a science focus to it. In the fourth quarter students are focusing on Plants! Here are some key components of the unit:

Essential Question

Why are plans so important to humans?

Enduring Understanding

• Photosynthesis
• Reproduction
• Pollination
• Adaptations

Reading Calendar Reminder

It's hard to believe April is coming to an end. Students should be finalizing their monthly reading calendars. This would be a good time for students to check how far they are from their goal and do some extra reading if they are behind the target of 30 minutes a night. At the end of the month, please have your child total their minutes for April and have you sign it. Calendars will be collected on Wednesday, May 1st.

Spring Sing

Here is a copy of the flyer that went home this week. Hope to see you all there!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring MAPS Testing

Next week begins our spring MAPS testing window. The purpose of MAPS testing in the spring is to gauge student progress from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. In the coming week, students will set goals for each of the three tests. Their goals will be set based on their fall score and the target score that is set for the spring test.

Parents, you can help us at home. Talk with your child about the importance of these tests. The scores are used to inform our instruction. In addition, scores for 5th grade students are used by the intermediate schools to make decisions about classes for next year. The goal is for students to understand the importance of the tests without making them overly nervous. I remind students that we see great things out of them everyday. When taking the tests, use your strategies and complete the tasks as you normally would and everything will be fine. If you have any questions about MAPS testing, please contact me for further information.

MAPS Math: Monday, April 29th
MAPS Reading: Monday, May 6th
MAPS Language Arts: Wednesday, May 15th

  • Testing times are yet to be determined. I will update this blog post when the times are set.

Inquiry Night

Our first Inquiry Night was a huge success! We were all very proud of the hard work students put into their projects. Even though we worked with them every step of the way, it was amazing to see the final products and talk with students about their new learning. It meant a lot to students to be able to share their research with the Mitchell community. Last but not least, a big "thank you" goes out to all the parents for guiding and supporting students throughout the process!

Math Update

This week, students in all four math classes will take the Geometry Unit assessment. As this unit wraps up, we are planning for our final unit of the year - Algebra. Students will take a pretest for this unit at the end of the week. We will structure the final math unit differently than the previous units. Instead of splitting students between the four classrooms, students in Ms. Dierbeck's class and my class will be team taught by Ms. Dierbeck and myself. We will still analyze data from pretests and MAPS tests to establish an understanding of student background knowledge - this will not change. In addition, students will still work through the various stages of Math Daily 5. We hope to begin this unit next week after the first round of MAPS testing.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Yesterday, this flyer came home for all parents of 5th grade students. There were a few adjustments to days and dates that were not correctly listed. Please review the information below. Thanks!

End-of-the-Year Planning Meeting
Wednesday, April 17 (3:45-4:30)
Room 110

Plans for our 5th grade end-of-the-year celebrations are under way. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, April 17 for parents who are interested in being involved. The following committees will be formed:
• 2013 T-shirt
• Memory booklet
• Last day refreshments

If you would like to join a committee, but are unable to attend the first meeting on April 17, then please return this form with your name, phone number, and your area of interest circled.

5th Grade Completion Activities/Celebration Time Frame:

Tuesday, June 11​(1:00-3:00 pm)
Bowling at Knights of Columbus

Wednesday, June 12 (9:00-9:45 am)
5th Grade Completion Ceremony

Wednesday, June 12 (10:00-11:30 am)
Refreshments and memory book signatures

Thank you,

Mrs. Ceel​
Ms. Dierbeck
Mrs. Graff​
Mr. Krupar

Inquiry Fair!

Thursday, April 18th is the long awaited Inquiry Fair at General Mitchell! The event runs from 3:45-6:30.

In addition to the Inquiry Fair, there will also be a Spaghetti Dinner. A flyer with details and ticket information came home earlier last week. If you need an additional flyer please contact me. Hope to see you all there!