"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney

Friday, April 26, 2013

MAPS Testing Update

MAPS testing begins on Monday. Here is an updated schedule for our testing. Notice that we have shorter testing periods each day. This spring we are asking students to only complete half of the test in one sitting. The goal is to get the most accurate score possible. In talking with students, they have made it clear that the tests can be long. By splitting the test, students will be able to give their best effort and stop before they are "out of gas". This was tried with some students in the winter. It was a success! Student attitudes and confidence toward testing were remarkably higher.

Over the weekend, discuss the importance of these tests with your child. Reinforce the fact that they have learned so much this year. They need to use their strategies, focus, and keep a positive frame of mind. An early bedtime Sunday night and nutritious breakfast Monday morning would also help students come Monday morning prepared for class. Thanks again for your support!

MAPS Schedule

Monday, April 29th
Math Test
8:45-9:15 & 1:35 - 2:20

Monday, May 6th
Reading Test
10:05 - 10:40

Tuesday, May 7th
Reading Test continued
8:45 - 9:15

Wednesday, May 15th
Language Arts Test
8:45-9:15 & 1:35 - 2:20