"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Minecraft Club (By: Robert)

A new club at Mitchell. Not the kind of club you're thinking of.....
This club is awesome! The club is called the Minecraft club. During recess Robert and Miguel play with the club. Every school day during recess we meet at the wooden benches. We are always pretending we are in the game of Minecraft.
During the club, we pretend we are fighting off creepers and killing squids. We are always finding budder(gold). Miguel always eats budder(gold) doughnuts. We do all of this stuff  just for fun. In the club if there is a fight about something Miguel calls a group meeting. The fight is then settled there. Then everything turns out fine.
We also use something in the club called mods. They just improve the Minecraft world. We have every single mod. We use mod creator to create our own mods. I made a mod called budder doughnuts. You can make budder doughnuts.
Miguel said, “As the CEO of Minecraft Club, it is a big responsibility. Any problems come to me or my Vice President. The community of Minecraft Club is a democracy. It is always fair and we agree on things. PLUS, we have so much fun.”
In the Minecraft Club, we are pretending that we have special elements that power our swords, bows, shields, armor and pickaxes. We pretend that our crystal holds our power. The crystals help us cast our elements. When I cast my element I can cast either fire, lava, blue fire, and blue lava. We have power weaknesses. My power weakness is water in our Minecraft Club.
When people in the Minecraft Club troll each other they go, troll! The Minecraft Club is always pranking each other and trolling each other. Whenever someone does something stupid, they say, derp derp derpity derp.
If anyone is bored at recess and has nothing to play, you can just stop over at the club and come and play...........MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!
We do many things in this club. Maybe you shall make a club that will have a lot of things like this club.    
Now do you think that the Minecraft Club is an awesome club or not?