"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We Went to the Capitol! (By: Mykayla)

Who wants to hear about my class’ trip to Madison? You do? Well get ready to relax and read!!!!
All of the fourth graders went to the state capitol and it was amazing! We learned about our history and people who risked their lives for us.We also learned about our country's eagle. Did you know that the eagle got trapped in a fire the first time and survived? Then there was a second fire, and he died because of the smoke!!
I think they brought us there because they thought we needed to learn about our state's history!! Our teachers planned this out of nowhere and we were all stoked!! We all left on March 20, 2012. We went to a bunch of rooms. The ones I liked were where the governor sat when he speaks. The room of congress was a VERY beautiful. I especially the drapes!! Did you also know that the house of congress got cracked by water pipes and had to tear the whole thing down and then rebuild it!! It cost a lot of money to just rebuild it AGAIN!!!
Hope u liked it and thanks for reading!!!!!!!!:)